Who we are
Our website address is: https://sonicinflation.com.
There is no such thing as privacy. You are being tracked all the time. Mostly by anonymous machines, but if you do something stupid enough like create a satire website, you might get tracked a bit more.
My lawyer suggests I tell you that you are not entitled to any privacy at all while you are on our site. In fact we collect as much information as we can on your tendy ass. But don’t fret. The servers are in North America. Land of the Free to be incarcerated.
Yeah there’s media on the site. Whatcha gonna do about it?
Embedded content from other websites
We embedded stuff from other sites. We aren’t responsible for your lulz.
Who we share your data with
Only Jerome Powell.
Oh and fuck Ajit Pai for selling out Americans.
How long we retain your data
As long as we can. We don’t give a shit about you.
What rights you have over your data
You can whine about it all you want.
Where your data is sent
JPows inbox. It’s more of a naughty or nice list for him to read at 6am while he’s working out and drinking Gut Milk.